Overview of IICT:
On 16 March, 2016 the University Grant Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh has approved the establishment of Institute of Information & Communication Technology (IICT) of Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur. Moreover, in order to develop the institutional infrastructures, academic & official facilities of IICT, DUET; necessary financial funds are allocated by the Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh through ECNEC (Executive Committee of the National Economic Council) on 26 April, 2016 as a part of the project titled ‘Further Development Project Proposal (FDPP) of DUET, Gazipur’. To contribute directly in achieving sustainable developments for Vision 2021 and 2041 of modern Digital Bangladesh; IICT, DUET has aimed to produce skilled manpower through Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based education and research. Currently, the Institute is offering Masters Program (M Sc. Engg. / M Engg. in ICT) and PGD Program (PG Dip. in ICT) with a combination of advanced research, development and innovation on emerging fields related to ICT. Besides, a bunch of recent ICT trend and practice oriented short-courses (e.g., Mobile Application Development, Graphics and Software Design, Web Engineering, Computer Network & Communication Technology, Operating Systems, Office Applications etc.) are offered by IICT, DUET. However, such study programs are not limited rather in order to provide professional ICT skill development the Institute is committed to offer its interest for professional training and Industry-Academia collaboration.