Training with EDGE, BCC
Overall assessment of trainee performance will be based on the following score distribution (indicative):
- Class attendance: 10%
- Quiz and Assignment(s): 20%
- Mid-term assessment: 20%
- Project: 25%
- Final Evaluation: 25%
Eligibility Criteria for Trainees:
- Foundation Skills Program: Candidates below 35 years of age who completed their higher secondary education.
- Intermediate level training: Candidates under 35 years of age who are either enrolled in or have completed their tertiary education in any discipline.
- Advanced level training: Candidates below 35 years of age with foundational skills in IT and a background in science and engineering.
Foundation Skills Program:
- Basic Network Administration
- Computer Hardware
- Digital marketing
- Graphics design (Photoshop & AI Tools usage)
- Microsoft word, excel
- Microsoft Word, PowerPoint
- Search Engine Optimization
- Software testing
- Basic Web Development
- Basic programming with Python
- Video Production and Editing
Intermediate Level Training:
- Mobile app development (Android/ Flutter/IOS)
- C#.NET
- Database (MySQL / Oracle / SQL Server)
- Front-End Developer (React / NodeJS / Vue.JS/ Angular JS)
- Java (Any popular framework)
- PHP(Laravel)
- Python (Django)
- Quality Assurance & Testing
- User Experience (UX) Design
- WordPress
Short Courses List Serial No. Course Title No. of Classes 1 Microsoft Office Management & Internet 18 2 Web Design and Development 12 3 Search Engine Optimization 16 4 Android Mobile Application Development 16 5 Linux System Administration Using Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS 16 6 Multimedia and Graphic Design 16 7 Mobile Game Development 10 8 Mobile First Application Development with Bootstrap & Angularjs 16 9 Computer Hardware & Networking Fundamentals 16
Course Title: Microsoft Office Management & Internet Course Duration: 60 Hours Classes Topics Class-1 Using Outline View: Create an Outline, Work in Outline View, Collapse/Expand Outline Headings, Outline Heading Levels, Move an Outline Heading or Body Text, Number Outline Levels, Display/Hide Outline Text Formats, Using Styles: Use Quick Styles & Style Inspector, Manage, Apply, Creating, Edit, Delete a Style, Add a Style to the Quick Styles Gallery, Clear Formats and Styles Creating a Table of Contents: Generate & Remove a Table of Contents, View the TOC Field Code, Update TOC, Insert TC Field Codes, Use TC Fields, Use Outline Levels. Class-2 Working with Headers & Footers: Create Headers/Footers, Insert Page No’s, Insert Current Date, Create a First Page & Odd and Even Headers/Footers, Set the Starting Page No. Inserting Graphics: Insert Clip Art & Pictures, Format Pictures, Create & Format WordArt Objects, Arrange Graphics, Create Watermarks, Working with Drawing Objects: Create a Drawing Object, Select & Move Objects, Use Drawing Canvas, Format Objects, Add 3-D Effect, Layer Text & Objects, Delete an Object. Class-3 Using Newsletter-style Columns: Create Columns, Navigate & Change the Number of Columns, Width and Spacing, Add a Vertical Line between Columns, Balance Column Length, Using Chart Creation Features: Create a Chart, Edit the Datasheet, Add a Chart Title, Change the Chart Type, Create a Chart from Excel, Editing a Table: Select, Inserting & Delete Rows and Columns, Merge Cells, Rotate Text, Align Text, Split Cells, Convert a Table into Text, Create a Table Heading. Class-4 Sorting Table Data: Design a Table to be Sorted, Sort a Table Alphabetically, Numerically and by Date, Sort a Table by Multiple Columns, Working with Lists:
Customize Numbered/Bulleted Lists, Bullet/Number a Multilevel List, Create a New List Style, Sort a List Alphabetically, Using Macros: Record, Run, Edit, Delete a Macro, Add a Macro Button, Organize Macro Projects. Class-5 Using Mail Merge, Merge Mail Labels & Directories: Start Mail Merge Wizard, Create Main Document & Recipient List, Customize, Rearrange, Save Recipient List, Enter Records into a Recipient List, Sort Merged Records, Highlight & Insert Merge Fields Preview Merged Data, Merge to Document or Printer, Email Messages Use & Create Mailing Labels, Label Options, Attach a Data Source, Insert Label Merge Fields, Merge Labels to a New Document, Create a Directory, Merge with Alternate Data Source, Using Formulas in Tables: Create a Formula, Use Functions, Format, Display Field codes, Recalculating Formulas in a Table , Using Forms: Create a Form, Save a Form as a Template, Set Properties for Controls, Use Legacy Tools and ActiveX Controls, Protect a Form, Input Data into a Form, Delete a Form Template, Print a Form, Managing Files: Select File Views, Sort Word Files, Use the My Places Bar, Assign & Remove a Password, Digital Signatures, Manage Document Recovery, Protecting a Document: Open the Protect Document Button, Restrict Document Formatting, & Editing, Create Restriction Exceptions. Class-6 Working with Outlines: Apply an Outline, Collapse/Expand an Outline, Modify Outline Settings, Clear an Outline, Use Auto Outline, Create Subtotals in a List, Remove Subtotals from a List, Using Multiple Workbooks: Open and Arrange Multiple Workbooks, Save a Workspace, Create and Maintain Links, Using Range Names: Jump to a Named Range, Assign Names, Use Range Names in Formulas, Create Range Names from Headings, Apply Range Names, Delete Range Names, Use Range Names in 3-D Formulas, Create 3-D Range Names, Use 3-D Range Names in Formulas, Working with Tables: Use Tables, Create a Table from Existing Data, Change the Table Name, Change the Table Style, Change Table Style Options, Create a Total Row, Add Table Rows and Columns, Insert/Delete Table Rows/Columns, Create a Calculated Column, Select Parts of a Table, Move a Table, Sort Data by Multiple Levels, Use Text Filters, Use Number Filters, Use Data Validation, Validate Data using a List, Create a Custom Error Message, Remove Data Validation. Class-7 Working with Advanced Filters: Create a Criteria Range, Use a Criteria Range, Show All Records, Use Comparison Criteria, Use an Advanced And Condition, Use an Advanced Or Condition, Copy Filtered Records, Use Database Functions, Find Unique Records, Remove Duplicates from a Table, Using Advanced Functions: Use the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP Function, Use the IF Function and Nested IF Function, Use the ISERROR Function, Use an AND Condition with IF, Use an OR Condition with IF, Use the ROUND Function, Limit the Precision of Numbers, Using Advanced Functions: Using the VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP Function, Using the IF Function & Nested IF Function, Using the ISERROR Function, Using an ‘AND’ Condition with IF, Using an ‘OR’ Condition with IF. Class-8 Advanced Charting: Add, Remove and Format Gridlines, Format an Axis, Change the Axis Scale, Format the Data Series, Add Data – Different Worksheets, Use a Secondary Axis, Change Data Series Chart Types, Add a Trendline, Create User-defined Charts, Create, Customise, Remove Sparklines, Using Auditing Tools: Display the Formula Auditing Toolbar, Display/Remove Dependent and Precedent Arrows, Remove Tracer Arrows, Use Auditing Tools Buttons, Using Scenarios & Goal Seeking: Use the Scenario Manager, Create, Display and Edit a Scenario, Create a Scenario Summary Report, Use Goal Seek. Solving Problems: Use Solver, Save a Solution as a Scenario, Change a Constraint, Create a Solver Report, View Solutions using Scenarios. Class-9 Using Automatic Formatting & Styles: Apply an AutoFormat, Change AutoFormat Options, Extend List Formats and Formulas, Create a Style by Example, Create a New Style, Edit an Existing Style, Merge Styles, Using Conditional and Custom Formats: Apply Conditional Formats, Change a Conditional Format, Add a Conditional Format, Create a Custom Conditional Format, Use Data Bars, Delete a Conditional Format, Create a Custom Number, Format, Sharing Workbooks: Save a Shared Workbook, View Users Sharing a Workbook, View Shared Workbook Changes, Highlight Changes, Resolve Conflicting Changes, Add a History Worksheet, Review Tracked Changes, Merge Shared Workbook Files. Class-10 Creating/Revising PivotTables: Create a PivotTable Report, Add PivotTable Report Fields, Select a Report Filter Field Item, Refresh a PivotTable Report, Change the Summary Function, Add New Fields to a PivotTable Report, Move PivotTable Report Fields, Use Expand and Collapse Buttons, Hide/Unhide PivotTable Report Items, Delete PivotTable Report Fields, Create Report Filter Pages, Inserting & Using Slicers, Format a PivotTable Report, Create a PivotChart Report, Publish PivotTable Reports to the Web, Using, Recording, Editing Macros: Change Macro Security Settings, Open a Workbook Containing Macros, Run a Macro, Use a Shortcut Key, Use the Visual Basic Editor Window, Record a Macro, Assign a Shortcut key, Use Relative References, Delete a Macro, Write a New Macro, Enter Macro Comments, Copy, Edit and Type Macro Commands, Run a Macro from the Code Window, Creating a Macro Button: Use, Create, Format, Move/Size & Delete a Macro Button. Class-11 Exploring PowerPoint: Working with PowerPoint, Starting PowerPoint, Using the PowerPoint Interface, Using the File Tab, Using the Ribbon, Working with Groups, Working with the Contextual Tabs, Working with the Galleries, Working with Quick Styles, Using the Quick Access Toolbar, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, Using the Mini Toolbar, Using Live, Preview, Exiting PowerPoint, Using Basic Presentation Skills: Entering Text into a Presentation, Saving a New Presentation, Closing a Presentation, Creating a New Presentation, Opening an Existing Presentation, Adding a New Slide, Renaming an Existing Presentation. Class-12 Working with Presentations: Creating a Custom Layout, Applying a Theme, Applying a Background Style, Changing Slide Orientation, Changing the Magnification, Adding Speaker Notes, Switching Views, Using the Outline Tab: Working with the Outline Tab, Collapsing and Expanding Slides, Demoting and Promoting Text Lines, Moving Text Lines, Adding Slides in the Outline Tab, Deleting Slides from the Outline Tab, Rearranging Slides in the Outline Tab, Editing and Proofing Text: Selecting Text, Deleting Slide Items, Moving/Copying Text between Slides, Using the Paste Options Button, Using the Clipboard Task Pane, Using Undo and Redo, Finding and Replacing Text, Checking Spelling as You Type, Running the Spelling Checker, Creating an AutoCorrect Entry, Using the AutoCorrect Options Button, Displaying Smart Tags in a Presentation, Importing Text from Word. Class-13 Printing: Printing Presentations, Selecting Page Setup Options, Previewing a Presentation, Printing Slides, Printing Speaker Notes, Printing Outlines, Printing Handouts, Creating Headers and Footers, Formatting Presentation Text: Formatting Text, Changing an Existing Font, Modifying the Font Size, Changing Font Style and Effect, Changing the Font Color, Using the Font Dialog Box, Using the Format Painter, Changing Text Alignment, Setting Tab Stops, Modifying Paragraph Spacing, Using the AutoFit Options Button, Selecting a Shape Style, Customizing a Shape Style, Applying Effects to a Text Placeholder, Selecting a WordArt Style, Editing Text Outline Color, Editing Text Fill Color, Applying Text Effects, Formatting Bullets and Numbers: Adding and Removing Bullets, Adding and Removing Numbers, Modifying Bullets and Numbers Using Slide Sorter View: Selecting Multiple Slides, Moving Slides in Slide Sorter View, Duplicating Slides in Slide Sorter View, Copying Slides in Slide Sorter View, Deleting Slides in Slide Sorter View. Class-14 Editing Multiple Presentations: Viewing Multiple Presentations, Copying Text between Presentations, Copying Slides between Presentations, Copying Slides with Drag and Drop Using Graphic Images: Working with Graphics, Using the Clip Art Task Pane, Using Slide Layouts, Inserting a Picture, Cropping a Picture, Moving a Graphic, Resizing a Graphic, Formatting a Graphic, Re-colouring a Graphic, Inserting Clips with the Clip Organizer, Organizing Clips, Applying a Picture Style, Applying a Shape, Adding Effects, Adding a Border. Class-15 Working with Drawing Objects: Using the Drawing Group, Drawing an Enclosed Object, Changing the Fill Color of an Object, Applying a Fill Effect, Applying Effects, Drawing a Line, Formatting Lines, Creating a Text Box, Rotating an Object, Flipping an Object, Arranging Objects, Aligning Objects, Grouping Objects , Using Slide Show View, Running a Slide Show, Navigating a Slide Show, Creating a Custom Show, Using Slide Show View, Using Reading View, Using the Laser Pointer. Class-16 Creating and designing Access database solutions: Working with Access tables, relationships, keys and constraints , Querying data, Managing and designing interfaces with Access Forms , Create basic to advanced Access Reports. Class-17 The Internet and Web browser: Introducing the Internet, Introduction to Internet Explorer/ Mozilla Firefox /Google Chrome / Opera, Exploring the Web Working with Web pages, Searching the Internet, Performing advanced searches, Customizing the search features, Working with Web pages, Working with Favorites, using links, Using the History list, Printing Web content Internet transactions and security: Internet transactions Web security considerations-mail basics, working with e-mail messages, E-mail messages, handling messages, managing e-mail, Personal folders, Searching and sorting messages, Printing messages, Address books . Class-18 Final Exam.
Course Title: Search Engine Optimization Course Duration: 60 Hours Classes Topics Class-1 Internet and Search Engine Basics, Internet Marketing, Importance of Internet Marketing, Types of Internet Marketing Methods, Importance of Search Engines, SEO is an Art or Science, How the search engine works? Class-2 Understanding the SERP, Using Search Operators, Google Search Engine Architecture, Search Engine Algorithms, Google Algorithm Updates, Page Rank Technology, Panda Update and its Importance, Latest Updates about SEO Algorithms, Google Web Masters Tools. Class-3 Keywords Analysis Tools, Competition Analysis, preparing a Keyword List for Project, Localized Keywords Research, Basics of Website Designing / Development, Essentials of good website designing, HTML Basics for SEO. Class-4 Usability and User Experience in Website, Onsite Optimization Basics, Importance of Domain Names and Value, Domain Selection, Website Structure and Navigation Menu Optimization, Coding Best Practices, Filename Optimization, Title Tag Optimization, Keywords, Keyword Density Analysis, Keywords Research in Various Search Engines, Meta Tags, Meta Tags Optimization, Headers Optimization. Class-5 SEO Content Writing & Optimizing SEO content, Page Speed Optimization Tool, Anchor Links Optimization, Internal Link Strategy, Iframes / Frames effects on SEO, Header and footer, Header optimization with tag line or catch line, Footer Optimization Creating an HTML and XML sitemaps, URL Rewriting Techniques (301, 302), Canonical / 404 Implementation, HTML Validation using W3C. Class-6 Google SEO Guidelines, Search Engines V/S directory, Major search engines and directories, Google Page Rank v Google Sandbox effect v Website Architecture, Hosting Selection, How the Search Engine works, Heat map of Home page. Class-7 Creating Robots file, creating sitemaps, Image tag optimization, Image Importance, Anchor Text, URL renaming/re-writing, Google webmaster tools, Yahoo Feed Submission. Class-8 SWOT Analysis of Website, Target segmentation, Keyword Research, Competitor Analysis v Finding Right Appropriate Keywords. Class-9 Submission to search engines v Introduction to Offsite Optimization, Local marketing of websites depending on locations, Promoting Subsequent pages of the website, Black Hat / White Hat / Grey Hat SEO, Submission to Relevant Directories, Linking Building Methodology, Types of Linking Methods, Free Links / Paid Links. Class-10 Directory Submission, Blog Submission v Free Classifieds, Forums v Forum Signatures and Commenting, Press Releases, Video optimization, Link Building v How to promote home page. Class-11 Directory Submissions for SEO, Social Bookmarking, Local Business Listing (Local SEO), Classifieds Posting, Using Blogs for SEO, Blog Commenting, Press Release Submission, Article Submissions, Video Submissions, Social Media Optimization Techniques (Basics), RSS Feeds Submissions, Tracking the Links and Page Rank. Class-12 Difference between Dynamic and Static Sites, SEO for Word press (SEO Widgets), SEO for Joomla (Joomla SEO Plug-in), SEO for BlogSpot, how to optimize the Flash Websites. Class-13 Google Ad sense Training, Affiliate Marketing Training, Google Analytics Training, Social Media Optimization (SMO) Training, My space Training, Creating Buzz Training, Face book Training, Twitter Training, Linked in Training Class-14 Developing Marketing Strategies for SMO Training, URL Shortening Tools, Using Tools and Applications for SMO, Social Bookmarking Training, Viral Marketing For You tube. Class-15 Website Position Analysis in various search engines, Introduction to Google Analytics in details, Installing Google Analytics, Basics of Google Analytics. Class-16 Visitors Reports, Geographic Reports, Traffic Sources Reports, Keywords Reports, Your Goals and Conversions.
Course Title: Android Mobile Application Development Course Duration: 60 Hours Classes Topics Class-1 Java Basic: Java Programming Language History, Why java and how it becomes platform independent, Environment: JRE, JDK, IDE, Some convenience rule of class name and variable name as well as others, Looping: for, while, do while, Data Type , implicit casting and explicit casting, If else condition, switch statement and methods, A program with java basic (Example: Finding prime number , Fibonacci Number) Class-2 Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Concept: Why OOP, Features of OOP, What is class and how to use it, What is object and relation with class, Purpose of Constructor, Getter and Setter method, A program that will use class and object basics and will tell a number is prime or not, Inheritance Concept, Importance of Keyword this and super, Interface Concept, Why Interface, Abstract Class concept, Why abstract class, Difference between Interface and Abstract Class, A program That will use Inheritance and abstract class concept, Access Modifier, Polymorphism Concept, Overloading, Overriding, Encapsulation, A real time problem solving by using OOP concept. Class-3 Java Native: Exception Handling, Collection API: Arraylist, Hashmap, Set. Benefits of Nested Class, Importance of static keyword, Enumerted types, Thread deep look inside. Android Basic: What is android? Obtaining the required tools, Creating your first android application, Anatomy of an android application. Class-4 Activities and Intents: Understanding Activities, Linking Activities Using Intents, Calling Built In Application Using Intents, Explicit Intents, Implicit Intents, Native android Actions, Data Transfer. Class-5 Android User Interface: Understanding the components of a screen, Adaption to Display orientation, Managing Changes to Screen Orientation, Creating the User Interface Programmatically, Understanding android Layout, Components Overview and some example, WebView, A simple project with these 3 lessons that will help to assess themselves. Class-6 Multiple screen support and advanced UI part 1: UI design with weightsum and layout weight, Complex UI design, Custom Component Design, Creating Nine Patch Image, ListActivity and ListView, Animation in android, A simple project to assess. Class-7 Multiple screen support and advanced UI part 2: Custom ListView, Fragment, ActionBar and Custom ActionBar, Dialog and Custom Dialog, Custom Font, Navigation drawer. Class-8 Styles and Themes: Creating and applying simple style, Inheriting built in style and user defined style, Using styles as themes, Using Support Library. Data Persistence: Use of Shared Preference, Internal Memory, and External Memory, SQLite Database, A project using shared preference and database to asses Data Persistence. Class-9 Content Providers: Using a content Provider, Creating your own content provider. Multimedia: Playing audio in android, Life cycle of a music player, Playing Video. Class-10 Server Communication: HTTP Request, XML Parsing using DOM and XML PULL parser, Connecting PHP mysql and android Using JSON. Class-11 Location Based Services: Displaying Maps, Getting Current Location, Monitoring a Location, Displaying Multiple Marker with different snippet and infor window, Adding Click Listener on marker and info window, Finding distance, Getting address from latitude and longitude, Use of direction API. Class-12 Android Advance: Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), Admob Integration and Complexity of getting payment, Google Analytical Integration and necessity. Class-13 Background Services: Various Services Overview, Services’s Life Cycle, Started Service Implementation, Bounded Service Implementation. Class-14 Broadcast Receiver: Registering System Broadcast and Custom Broadcast, Learning Alarm Manager. Class-15 Working with Sensor: Introduction to various sensors, checking available sensors in device, Exploring accelerometer sensor. Cross Platform Application Development: Exploring PhoneGap. Class-16 Final Exam.
Training with EDGE, BCC
Overall assessment of trainee performance will be based on the following score distribution (indicative):
- Class attendance: 10%
- Quiz and Assignment(s): 20%
- Mid-term assessment: 20%
- Project: 25%
- Final Evaluation: 25%
Eligibility Criteria for Trainees:
- Foundation Skills Program: Candidates below 35 years of age who completed their higher secondary education.
- Intermediate level training: Candidates under 35 years of age who are either enrolled in or have completed their tertiary education in any discipline.
- Advanced level training: Candidates below 35 years of age with foundational skills in IT and a background in science and engineering.
Foundation Skills Program:
- Basic Network Administration
- Computer Hardware
- Digital marketing
- Graphics design (Photoshop & AI Tools usage)
- Microsoft word, excel
- Microsoft Word, PowerPoint
- Search Engine Optimization
- Software testing
- Basic Web Development
- Basic programming with Python
- Video Production and Editing
Intermediate Level Training:
- Mobile app development (Android/ Flutter/IOS)
- C#.NET
- Database (MySQL / Oracle / SQL Server)
- Front-End Developer (React / NodeJS / Vue.JS/ Angular JS)
- Java (Any popular framework)
- PHP(Laravel)
- Python (Django)
- Quality Assurance & Testing
- User Experience (UX) Design
- WordPress
Short Courses List | ||
Serial No. | Course Title | No. of Classes |
1 | Microsoft Office Management & Internet | 18 |
2 | Web Design and Development | 12 |
3 | Search Engine Optimization | 16 |
4 | Android Mobile Application Development | 16 |
5 | Linux System Administration Using Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS | 16 |
6 | Multimedia and Graphic Design | 16 |
7 | Mobile Game Development | 10 |
8 | Mobile First Application Development with Bootstrap & Angularjs | 16 |
9 | Computer Hardware & Networking Fundamentals | 16 |
Course Title: | Microsoft Office Management & Internet | ||
Course Duration: 60 Hours | |||
Classes | Topics | ||
Class-1 | Using Outline View: Create an Outline, Work in Outline View, Collapse/Expand Outline Headings, Outline Heading Levels, Move an Outline Heading or Body Text, Number Outline Levels, Display/Hide Outline Text Formats, Using Styles: Use Quick Styles & Style Inspector, Manage, Apply, Creating, Edit, Delete a Style, Add a Style to the Quick Styles Gallery, Clear Formats and Styles Creating a Table of Contents: Generate & Remove a Table of Contents, View the TOC Field Code, Update TOC, Insert TC Field Codes, Use TC Fields, Use Outline Levels. | ||
Class-2 | Working with Headers & Footers: Create Headers/Footers, Insert Page No’s, Insert Current Date, Create a First Page & Odd and Even Headers/Footers, Set the Starting Page No. Inserting Graphics: Insert Clip Art & Pictures, Format Pictures, Create & Format WordArt Objects, Arrange Graphics, Create Watermarks, Working with Drawing Objects: Create a Drawing Object, Select & Move Objects, Use Drawing Canvas, Format Objects, Add 3-D Effect, Layer Text & Objects, Delete an Object. | ||
Class-3 | Using Newsletter-style Columns: Create Columns, Navigate & Change the Number of Columns, Width and Spacing, Add a Vertical Line between Columns, Balance Column Length, Using Chart Creation Features: Create a Chart, Edit the Datasheet, Add a Chart Title, Change the Chart Type, Create a Chart from Excel, Editing a Table: Select, Inserting & Delete Rows and Columns, Merge Cells, Rotate Text, Align Text, Split Cells, Convert a Table into Text, Create a Table Heading. | ||
Class-4 | Sorting Table Data: Design a Table to be Sorted, Sort a Table Alphabetically, Numerically and by Date, Sort a Table by Multiple Columns, Working with Lists: Customize Numbered/Bulleted Lists, Bullet/Number a Multilevel List, Create a New List Style, Sort a List Alphabetically, Using Macros: Record, Run, Edit, Delete a Macro, Add a Macro Button, Organize Macro Projects. | ||
Class-5 | Using Mail Merge, Merge Mail Labels & Directories: Start Mail Merge Wizard, Create Main Document & Recipient List, Customize, Rearrange, Save Recipient List, Enter Records into a Recipient List, Sort Merged Records, Highlight & Insert Merge Fields Preview Merged Data, Merge to Document or Printer, Email Messages Use & Create Mailing Labels, Label Options, Attach a Data Source, Insert Label Merge Fields, Merge Labels to a New Document, Create a Directory, Merge with Alternate Data Source, Using Formulas in Tables: Create a Formula, Use Functions, Format, Display Field codes, Recalculating Formulas in a Table , Using Forms: Create a Form, Save a Form as a Template, Set Properties for Controls, Use Legacy Tools and ActiveX Controls, Protect a Form, Input Data into a Form, Delete a Form Template, Print a Form, Managing Files: Select File Views, Sort Word Files, Use the My Places Bar, Assign & Remove a Password, Digital Signatures, Manage Document Recovery, Protecting a Document: Open the Protect Document Button, Restrict Document Formatting, & Editing, Create Restriction Exceptions. | ||
Class-6 | Working with Outlines: Apply an Outline, Collapse/Expand an Outline, Modify Outline Settings, Clear an Outline, Use Auto Outline, Create Subtotals in a List, Remove Subtotals from a List, Using Multiple Workbooks: Open and Arrange Multiple Workbooks, Save a Workspace, Create and Maintain Links, Using Range Names: Jump to a Named Range, Assign Names, Use Range Names in Formulas, Create Range Names from Headings, Apply Range Names, Delete Range Names, Use Range Names in 3-D Formulas, Create 3-D Range Names, Use 3-D Range Names in Formulas, Working with Tables: Use Tables, Create a Table from Existing Data, Change the Table Name, Change the Table Style, Change Table Style Options, Create a Total Row, Add Table Rows and Columns, Insert/Delete Table Rows/Columns, Create a Calculated Column, Select Parts of a Table, Move a Table, Sort Data by Multiple Levels, Use Text Filters, Use Number Filters, Use Data Validation, Validate Data using a List, Create a Custom Error Message, Remove Data Validation. | ||
Class-7 | Working with Advanced Filters: Create a Criteria Range, Use a Criteria Range, Show All Records, Use Comparison Criteria, Use an Advanced And Condition, Use an Advanced Or Condition, Copy Filtered Records, Use Database Functions, Find Unique Records, Remove Duplicates from a Table, Using Advanced Functions: Use the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP Function, Use the IF Function and Nested IF Function, Use the ISERROR Function, Use an AND Condition with IF, Use an OR Condition with IF, Use the ROUND Function, Limit the Precision of Numbers, Using Advanced Functions: Using the VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP Function, Using the IF Function & Nested IF Function, Using the ISERROR Function, Using an ‘AND’ Condition with IF, Using an ‘OR’ Condition with IF. | ||
Class-8 | Advanced Charting: Add, Remove and Format Gridlines, Format an Axis, Change the Axis Scale, Format the Data Series, Add Data – Different Worksheets, Use a Secondary Axis, Change Data Series Chart Types, Add a Trendline, Create User-defined Charts, Create, Customise, Remove Sparklines, Using Auditing Tools: Display the Formula Auditing Toolbar, Display/Remove Dependent and Precedent Arrows, Remove Tracer Arrows, Use Auditing Tools Buttons, Using Scenarios & Goal Seeking: Use the Scenario Manager, Create, Display and Edit a Scenario, Create a Scenario Summary Report, Use Goal Seek. Solving Problems: Use Solver, Save a Solution as a Scenario, Change a Constraint, Create a Solver Report, View Solutions using Scenarios. | ||
Class-9 | Using Automatic Formatting & Styles: Apply an AutoFormat, Change AutoFormat Options, Extend List Formats and Formulas, Create a Style by Example, Create a New Style, Edit an Existing Style, Merge Styles, Using Conditional and Custom Formats: Apply Conditional Formats, Change a Conditional Format, Add a Conditional Format, Create a Custom Conditional Format, Use Data Bars, Delete a Conditional Format, Create a Custom Number, Format, Sharing Workbooks: Save a Shared Workbook, View Users Sharing a Workbook, View Shared Workbook Changes, Highlight Changes, Resolve Conflicting Changes, Add a History Worksheet, Review Tracked Changes, Merge Shared Workbook Files. | ||
Class-10 | Creating/Revising PivotTables: Create a PivotTable Report, Add PivotTable Report Fields, Select a Report Filter Field Item, Refresh a PivotTable Report, Change the Summary Function, Add New Fields to a PivotTable Report, Move PivotTable Report Fields, Use Expand and Collapse Buttons, Hide/Unhide PivotTable Report Items, Delete PivotTable Report Fields, Create Report Filter Pages, Inserting & Using Slicers, Format a PivotTable Report, Create a PivotChart Report, Publish PivotTable Reports to the Web, Using, Recording, Editing Macros: Change Macro Security Settings, Open a Workbook Containing Macros, Run a Macro, Use a Shortcut Key, Use the Visual Basic Editor Window, Record a Macro, Assign a Shortcut key, Use Relative References, Delete a Macro, Write a New Macro, Enter Macro Comments, Copy, Edit and Type Macro Commands, Run a Macro from the Code Window, Creating a Macro Button: Use, Create, Format, Move/Size & Delete a Macro Button. | ||
Class-11 | Exploring PowerPoint: Working with PowerPoint, Starting PowerPoint, Using the PowerPoint Interface, Using the File Tab, Using the Ribbon, Working with Groups, Working with the Contextual Tabs, Working with the Galleries, Working with Quick Styles, Using the Quick Access Toolbar, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, Using the Mini Toolbar, Using Live, Preview, Exiting PowerPoint, Using Basic Presentation Skills: Entering Text into a Presentation, Saving a New Presentation, Closing a Presentation, Creating a New Presentation, Opening an Existing Presentation, Adding a New Slide, Renaming an Existing Presentation. | ||
Class-12 | Working with Presentations: Creating a Custom Layout, Applying a Theme, Applying a Background Style, Changing Slide Orientation, Changing the Magnification, Adding Speaker Notes, Switching Views, Using the Outline Tab: Working with the Outline Tab, Collapsing and Expanding Slides, Demoting and Promoting Text Lines, Moving Text Lines, Adding Slides in the Outline Tab, Deleting Slides from the Outline Tab, Rearranging Slides in the Outline Tab, Editing and Proofing Text: Selecting Text, Deleting Slide Items, Moving/Copying Text between Slides, Using the Paste Options Button, Using the Clipboard Task Pane, Using Undo and Redo, Finding and Replacing Text, Checking Spelling as You Type, Running the Spelling Checker, Creating an AutoCorrect Entry, Using the AutoCorrect Options Button, Displaying Smart Tags in a Presentation, Importing Text from Word. | ||
Class-13 | Printing: Printing Presentations, Selecting Page Setup Options, Previewing a Presentation, Printing Slides, Printing Speaker Notes, Printing Outlines, Printing Handouts, Creating Headers and Footers, Formatting Presentation Text: Formatting Text, Changing an Existing Font, Modifying the Font Size, Changing Font Style and Effect, Changing the Font Color, Using the Font Dialog Box, Using the Format Painter, Changing Text Alignment, Setting Tab Stops, Modifying Paragraph Spacing, Using the AutoFit Options Button, Selecting a Shape Style, Customizing a Shape Style, Applying Effects to a Text Placeholder, Selecting a WordArt Style, Editing Text Outline Color, Editing Text Fill Color, Applying Text Effects, Formatting Bullets and Numbers: Adding and Removing Bullets, Adding and Removing Numbers, Modifying Bullets and Numbers Using Slide Sorter View: Selecting Multiple Slides, Moving Slides in Slide Sorter View, Duplicating Slides in Slide Sorter View, Copying Slides in Slide Sorter View, Deleting Slides in Slide Sorter View. | ||
Class-14 | Editing Multiple Presentations: Viewing Multiple Presentations, Copying Text between Presentations, Copying Slides between Presentations, Copying Slides with Drag and Drop Using Graphic Images: Working with Graphics, Using the Clip Art Task Pane, Using Slide Layouts, Inserting a Picture, Cropping a Picture, Moving a Graphic, Resizing a Graphic, Formatting a Graphic, Re-colouring a Graphic, Inserting Clips with the Clip Organizer, Organizing Clips, Applying a Picture Style, Applying a Shape, Adding Effects, Adding a Border. | ||
Class-15 | Working with Drawing Objects: Using the Drawing Group, Drawing an Enclosed Object, Changing the Fill Color of an Object, Applying a Fill Effect, Applying Effects, Drawing a Line, Formatting Lines, Creating a Text Box, Rotating an Object, Flipping an Object, Arranging Objects, Aligning Objects, Grouping Objects , Using Slide Show View, Running a Slide Show, Navigating a Slide Show, Creating a Custom Show, Using Slide Show View, Using Reading View, Using the Laser Pointer. | ||
Class-16 | Creating and designing Access database solutions: Working with Access tables, relationships, keys and constraints , Querying data, Managing and designing interfaces with Access Forms , Create basic to advanced Access Reports. | ||
Class-17 | The Internet and Web browser: Introducing the Internet, Introduction to Internet Explorer/ Mozilla Firefox /Google Chrome / Opera, Exploring the Web Working with Web pages, Searching the Internet, Performing advanced searches, Customizing the search features, Working with Web pages, Working with Favorites, using links, Using the History list, Printing Web content Internet transactions and security: Internet transactions Web security considerations-mail basics, working with e-mail messages, E-mail messages, handling messages, managing e-mail, Personal folders, Searching and sorting messages, Printing messages, Address books . | ||
Class-18 | Final Exam. |
Course Title: | Search Engine Optimization | ||
Course Duration: 60 Hours | |||
Classes | Topics | ||
Class-1 | Internet and Search Engine Basics, Internet Marketing, Importance of Internet Marketing, Types of Internet Marketing Methods, Importance of Search Engines, SEO is an Art or Science, How the search engine works? | ||
Class-2 | Understanding the SERP, Using Search Operators, Google Search Engine Architecture, Search Engine Algorithms, Google Algorithm Updates, Page Rank Technology, Panda Update and its Importance, Latest Updates about SEO Algorithms, Google Web Masters Tools. | ||
Class-3 | Keywords Analysis Tools, Competition Analysis, preparing a Keyword List for Project, Localized Keywords Research, Basics of Website Designing / Development, Essentials of good website designing, HTML Basics for SEO. | ||
Class-4 | Usability and User Experience in Website, Onsite Optimization Basics, Importance of Domain Names and Value, Domain Selection, Website Structure and Navigation Menu Optimization, Coding Best Practices, Filename Optimization, Title Tag Optimization, Keywords, Keyword Density Analysis, Keywords Research in Various Search Engines, Meta Tags, Meta Tags Optimization, Headers Optimization. | ||
Class-5 | SEO Content Writing & Optimizing SEO content, Page Speed Optimization Tool, Anchor Links Optimization, Internal Link Strategy, Iframes / Frames effects on SEO, Header and footer, Header optimization with tag line or catch line, Footer Optimization Creating an HTML and XML sitemaps, URL Rewriting Techniques (301, 302), Canonical / 404 Implementation, HTML Validation using W3C. | ||
Class-6 | Google SEO Guidelines, Search Engines V/S directory, Major search engines and directories, Google Page Rank v Google Sandbox effect v Website Architecture, Hosting Selection, How the Search Engine works, Heat map of Home page. | ||
Class-7 | Creating Robots file, creating sitemaps, Image tag optimization, Image Importance, Anchor Text, URL renaming/re-writing, Google webmaster tools, Yahoo Feed Submission. | ||
Class-8 | SWOT Analysis of Website, Target segmentation, Keyword Research, Competitor Analysis v Finding Right Appropriate Keywords. | ||
Class-9 | Submission to search engines v Introduction to Offsite Optimization, Local marketing of websites depending on locations, Promoting Subsequent pages of the website, Black Hat / White Hat / Grey Hat SEO, Submission to Relevant Directories, Linking Building Methodology, Types of Linking Methods, Free Links / Paid Links. | ||
Class-10 | Directory Submission, Blog Submission v Free Classifieds, Forums v Forum Signatures and Commenting, Press Releases, Video optimization, Link Building v How to promote home page. | ||
Class-11 | Directory Submissions for SEO, Social Bookmarking, Local Business Listing (Local SEO), Classifieds Posting, Using Blogs for SEO, Blog Commenting, Press Release Submission, Article Submissions, Video Submissions, Social Media Optimization Techniques (Basics), RSS Feeds Submissions, Tracking the Links and Page Rank. | ||
Class-12 | Difference between Dynamic and Static Sites, SEO for Word press (SEO Widgets), SEO for Joomla (Joomla SEO Plug-in), SEO for BlogSpot, how to optimize the Flash Websites. | ||
Class-13 | Google Ad sense Training, Affiliate Marketing Training, Google Analytics Training, Social Media Optimization (SMO) Training, My space Training, Creating Buzz Training, Face book Training, Twitter Training, Linked in Training | ||
Class-14 | Developing Marketing Strategies for SMO Training, URL Shortening Tools, Using Tools and Applications for SMO, Social Bookmarking Training, Viral Marketing For You tube. | ||
Class-15 | Website Position Analysis in various search engines, Introduction to Google Analytics in details, Installing Google Analytics, Basics of Google Analytics. | ||
Class-16 | Visitors Reports, Geographic Reports, Traffic Sources Reports, Keywords Reports, Your Goals and Conversions. |
Course Title: | Android Mobile Application Development |
Course Duration: 60 Hours | |
Classes | Topics |
Class-1 | Java Basic: Java Programming Language History, Why java and how it becomes platform independent, Environment: JRE, JDK, IDE, Some convenience rule of class name and variable name as well as others, Looping: for, while, do while, Data Type , implicit casting and explicit casting, If else condition, switch statement and methods, A program with java basic (Example: Finding prime number , Fibonacci Number) |
Class-2 | Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Concept: Why OOP, Features of OOP, What is class and how to use it, What is object and relation with class, Purpose of Constructor, Getter and Setter method, A program that will use class and object basics and will tell a number is prime or not, Inheritance Concept, Importance of Keyword this and super, Interface Concept, Why Interface, Abstract Class concept, Why abstract class, Difference between Interface and Abstract Class, A program That will use Inheritance and abstract class concept, Access Modifier, Polymorphism Concept, Overloading, Overriding, Encapsulation, A real time problem solving by using OOP concept. |
Class-3 | Java Native: Exception Handling, Collection API: Arraylist, Hashmap, Set. Benefits of Nested Class, Importance of static keyword, Enumerted types, Thread deep look inside. |
Android Basic: What is android? Obtaining the required tools, Creating your first android application, Anatomy of an android application. | |
Class-4 | Activities and Intents: Understanding Activities, Linking Activities Using Intents, Calling Built In Application Using Intents, Explicit Intents, Implicit Intents, Native android Actions, Data Transfer. |
Class-5 | Android User Interface: Understanding the components of a screen, Adaption to Display orientation, Managing Changes to Screen Orientation, Creating the User Interface Programmatically, Understanding android Layout, Components Overview and some example, WebView, A simple project with these 3 lessons that will help to assess themselves. |
Class-6 | Multiple screen support and advanced UI part 1: UI design with weightsum and layout weight, Complex UI design, Custom Component Design, Creating Nine Patch Image, ListActivity and ListView, Animation in android, A simple project to assess. |
Class-7 | Multiple screen support and advanced UI part 2: Custom ListView, Fragment, ActionBar and Custom ActionBar, Dialog and Custom Dialog, Custom Font, Navigation drawer. |
Class-8 | Styles and Themes: Creating and applying simple style, Inheriting built in style and user defined style, Using styles as themes, Using Support Library. |
Data Persistence: Use of Shared Preference, Internal Memory, and External Memory, SQLite Database, A project using shared preference and database to asses Data Persistence. | |
Class-9 | Content Providers: Using a content Provider, Creating your own content provider. |
Multimedia: Playing audio in android, Life cycle of a music player, Playing Video. | |
Class-10 | Server Communication: HTTP Request, XML Parsing using DOM and XML PULL parser, Connecting PHP mysql and android Using JSON. |
Class-11 | Location Based Services: Displaying Maps, Getting Current Location, Monitoring a Location, Displaying Multiple Marker with different snippet and infor window, Adding Click Listener on marker and info window, Finding distance, Getting address from latitude and longitude, Use of direction API. |
Class-12 | Android Advance: Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), Admob Integration and Complexity of getting payment, Google Analytical Integration and necessity. |
Class-13 | Background Services: Various Services Overview, Services’s Life Cycle, Started Service Implementation, Bounded Service Implementation. |
Class-14 | Broadcast Receiver: Registering System Broadcast and Custom Broadcast, Learning Alarm Manager. |
Class-15 | Working with Sensor: Introduction to various sensors, checking available sensors in device, Exploring accelerometer sensor. |
Cross Platform Application Development: Exploring PhoneGap. | |
Class-16 | Final Exam. |