Enhancing Digital Government & Economy (EDGE)

Enhancing Digital Government and Economy (EDGE) is a project of the Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) under the ICT Division
The project, funded by World Bank and GoB, will ensure an integrated, cloud-computing digital platform for all government agencies and improve cyber-security, which will result in savings of $200 million in the public sector’s IT investments. Further, it will build resiliency during future crises, whereby the platform will enable the government to operate virtually and deliver critical public services to citizens and businesses.


300 million dollars in ICT exports by 2026 and support the construction of technology and knowledge-based smart and developed Bangladesh.


Development of skilled human resources suitable for the fourth industrial revolution; Enact technology-friendly laws and policies and build a digital economy through innovation, research and ICT industry development; Also, strengthening the Bangladesh National Digital Architecture (BNDA) with the establishment of Digital Leadership Academy (DLA) and Center for 4IR and accelerating the development of Bangladesh by ensuring cyber security, providing cloud services and providing digital literacy.

Training Organizer: Institute of Information & Communication Technology , DUET , Gazipur .